Last week, I opened up jaWiki, which to my relief and surprise hasn’t ass-ploded into a jagged minefield of broken links and PHP fragments.
The total number of articles has grown from 91 at launch to 121, largely driven by reader contributions.
Notable new entries include:
- [[non-diegetic]]
- [[macguffin]]
- [[red herring]]
- [[hubris]]
- [[advances and shortcomings of knowledge]]
That last one is a surprise; I like surprises. I’m happy to see articles that provide information on aspects of screenwriter-dom that I know little about. To that extent, I’ve created [[stub]] entries that I hope readers can expand upon.
There are also a lot of articles in the archive which could use some dusting-off and wikify-ing. Some possibilities include:
Again, jaWiki is an experiment. My hope is that it evolves into something useful and compelling. Time is the best test of theory.