FDX Reader, our app for reading Final Draft scripts on the iPad and iPhone, has been updated to v1.1.4. It’s in the App Store now.
This version offers a significant performance bump on the iPhone (especially the iPhone 4S), fixes a place-saving bug on the iPad, and includes a new Settings bundle to help with troubleshooting.
To celebrate six months of release, we’ve dropped the price to $1.99 through Monday, December 12th. (After that, it goes back to $4.99.)
While we’ll continue to release minor bug fixes, I suspect this will be the last major release of FDX Reader. Here’s why:
Final Draft itself is working on an iPad app (a reader, not an editor). They’re promising support for revisions, locked pages, and a lot of features that are honestly a bear for us to implement even with Final Draft’s relatively open file format. I suspect their app will be priced higher, as it should be.
FDX Reader is as good as it needs to be. We created the app to meet a real need — there wasn’t a decent way to read a script sitting in Dropbox — and now that need is filled. Every app can be better, but endless tinkering carries an opportunity cost: all the new things you’re not working on. Which is important, because…
We’re working on new stuff. We have two Mac apps we’ll be releasing early in the new year, and a new iOS app after that.
If you haven’t tried FDX Reader yet, this is the cheapest you’re going to see it. We’ll never drop the price to free, or 99 cents. (In fact, once Final Draft’s official app comes out, I suspect we’ll price ours just a notch below theirs.)
If you’re already an FDX Reader user, check your App Store updates. The new-and-not-quite-last version is waiting for you.