I haven’t said much about SOPA/PIPA, largely because the whole thing makes me so depressed about the industry I work in and the lawmakers who are too stupid or too lazy to understand what they’re voting on.
If you want to pass any sort of bill that affects the internet, you better vet it with the people who control the internet. […]
It would be like the EPA trying to sneak through a law that automobiles get 100mpg by year’s end without even talking to the car companies first.
But that’s just what Congress did, and was shocked when freedom-loving citizens and giant corporations — never best buds — rose up together in protest.
When you stir stupid and lazy together, they form a toxic compound called Smug Ignorance. It’s non-partisan and always fatal. The symptoms are phrases like, “I don’t know much about computers, but…” or “Look, no one knows if climate change is real.”
Senator, someone knows. It’s your job to ask.