Yesterday, a Google News alert informed me that the web pilot I wrote and directed way back in February has been dis-embargoed. I’ve been deliberately sketchy on details about the project, but since Variety has the story, there’s no reason to be coy.
It’s called The Remnants.
It’s a comedy about a group of squabbling survivors in post-apocalyptic Los Angeles. Tonally, it’s a cross between The Stand and The Office.
It stars Justine Bateman, Michael Cassidy, Ben Falcone, Ze Frank, Ernie Hudson, and Amanda Walsh. It was produced by Dan Etheridge and Matt Byrne.
60Frames and NBC Universal Digital Studio are in discussions about shooting a bunch of episodes as a web series. If that happens, hooray. If not, it was a great experience making it. We shot it during the darkest part of the WGA strike, so to be working again was amazing.
You can watch a two-minute snippet from the middle of the pilot here:
Better yet, if you have a fast connection and a fairly fast computer, check out the HD version. It even looks good full-screen.