Daniel Castro has the first part of my essay, “Professional Writing and the Age of the Amateur,” translated into Spanish at his site. He volunteered, and I wasn’t going to say no.
Decidà que mi conferencia de esta noche no fuera estrictamente sobre la escritura de guiones sino sobre escritura en general. Todos los que estáis en esta sala sois escritores. Podéis escribir guiones o trabajos de documentación. Desde luego, todos escribÃs correos electrónicos. Todos sois escritores profesionales en algún campo.
It’s strange reading one’s words in another language. My Spanish is good enough that I have no trouble understanding it, but if I were to attempt to do the translation myself, it would be embarrassing for all concerned. So, many thanks to Daniel.
By the way, this essay and most of the material on this site (other than the scripts) are covered by a Creative Commons license, which allows you to use this information for non-commercial purposes as long as (a) you give me credit, and (b) you agree to share your derivative works in the same manner. So if you feel like translating anything you see here in Polish or Mongolian (ahem), by all means feel free. I’d just appreciate a link back to the original version.