In case any readers want to see how much less articulate I am in person, I’ll be speaking on three panels at the upcoming Austin Film Festival. Here are the descriptions the organizers sent out:
The Art of the Pitch
SFA Hotel, Assembly Room
Oct. 19th, 2:45 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Pitching yourself is as important as pitching your script, and it often happens at parties, in elevators, and, of course, at festivals and conferences. Come learn how to hard pitch in a meeting and soft pitch in a casual setting and make sure your pitch leaves people wanting to get their hands on your script.
- John August
- Jessica Bendinger
- Maggie Biggar
- Alex Smith – moderator
Getting a Writing Job
Driskill Hotel, Maximilian Room
Oct. 20th, 10:45 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Inspired by John August’s Web site, this is the panel formerly known as Breaking Into the Business. Why did we change the name? Because what most writers really want to know is, “How can I get paid for my writing? How do I become a professional writer?” It’s important to know there isn’t just one path to success.
- John August
- Brendan McDonald
- Gregg Rounds
- Greg Beal – moderator
Tell Your Story
Driskill Hotel, Chisolm Trail Room
Oct. 20th, 3:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Come and meet John August, writer of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Corpse Bride, Big Fish, Charlie’s Angels, Go, and others, in a relaxed and intimate setting. Get here early and join the casual conversation on the couch.