Ryan spent much of this last week updating Less IMDb, our browser plug-in that makes IMDb approximately one billion times better.
Version 1.2 sniffs out some of the new cruft that IMDb has packed into its title and people pages, hiding it away so you can see the credits. Ryan has also streamlined how it works, so you’ll find pages loading faster than ever.
Here’s a little screencast I did that shows what it does and how to install it:
For Chrome, you can install it from our site, or with one click from the Chrome Web Store. Well done, Google!
For Safari, it’s three clicks from our site. It’s also available on Apple’s Safari extensions gallery, but without an easy link. Bad Apple.
If you have an earlier version of Less IMDb for Safari, it’s a good idea to uninstall it first to prevent possible wonkiness. Instructions are in the video.
Less IMDb was the first thing we made as a company, and it still gets the most traffic to the site. We don’t make any money off of it, but goodwill is its own currency:
Their Less IMDB Safari extension is a godsend. It gets rid of nearly all of the garbage and delivers the streamlined UI that’s as close to how it used to be as possible.
And that’s why we made it.