My name is Nerses, I am from Moscow, Russian Federation. I have two questions and I hope you will find time to answer on some of them.
I am 16 and next fall I’m going to apply to US universities as an international applicant. But before getting into film school (like USC or UCLA), I want to receive my bachelor in something not connected with filmmaking. That’s one of my problems, as I haven’t yet decided what other specialization I can be good at. Right now I am thinking about undergraduate Advertising and Public Relations in Chapman University (by the way, it also has very good film programs). But my question is, can I get into Screenwriting or Producing program of graduate film school, if I already have BFA in Film Studies (a.k.a. Critical Studies) or Television & Broadcast Journalism?
And, my second question is, did any of your friends from USC get into Hollywood film industry and become successful filmmakers being international alumni? I am asking this question, because I didn’t hear much about famous people, who had similar situation to mine (kid from another country trying to find his way to get noticed)?
— Nerses
Advertising is a great and relevant degree to choose for undergraduate studies. You’ll learn a little bit of production (probably shooting some commercials on video), but most of your time will be spent writing and pitching, which are skills you’ll be using a lot of in the film industry. Having some marketing classes under your belt will also be a help.
I speak with first-hand experience: I was an undergrad Advertising major, with a minor in English.
However, if you find an undergraduate film program that appeals to you, don’t dismiss it out of hand. I strongly believe you should pursue what fascinates you at every stage in your education (and life). I don’t think it would affect your chances of getting into a film graduate program regardless.
As for your second question, yes, we had several international students in my film school class who went on to be quite successful. For instance, Miles Millar, the executive producer of Smallville, hails from England. In my class of 25 students, four were international students, and three of them are still working in the industry.