What kind of printer do you have? As a fellow geek, I’m curious. In my imagination, I see a professional screenwriter requiring a huge, high-powered beast that can print one script per minute. Or, do you not even print anything since it’s all sent out via PDF in these modern times? How much do you print in the average day/week?
–Alon Ozery
We have an HP LaserJet 4100TN (closest equivalent is probably the 4250tn), which is more than adequate. It can print out a 120-page script in about four minutes — but more often it’s only printing 60 pages, because we’ll choose side-by-side layout to save paper.
I don’t print nearly as much as I used to, since most times I’m delivering a .pdf rather than a printed script. I used to recommend screenwriters spend the extra money for a fast printer, but there’s really no great advantage now. Almost any laser printer — and even most inkjets — can print a script in less time than it takes to walk the dog.