What is the average option price short stories are optioned for? Just to get an estimate of what I should be offering/accepting. Where else can I do research about these confidential matters?
–Tricia Lee
There’s no average price. If I were in your place, trying to option a story I didn’t think anyone else was after, I’d offer $1000 for an 18-month option, renewable at least twice for the same fee. Total purchase price should be more than $10,000, less than $50,000.
I’m pulling these numbers out of thin air, by the way, so anyone out there who disagrees is just as likely to be right.
Much more important than the money you offer is how competent you seem. The story writer needs to believe you’re going to get a movie made, and made well. Many literary works have been optioned for $1, strictly on the faith the writer had in the filmaker’s vision.