John and Craig discuss whether screenwriters are better off pursing writing assignments or working on their own material. They also look at the visual comedy of Edgar Wright, and The Shawshank Redemption’s 20th anniversary.
- WWDC14
- Bronson Watermarker PDF is available now! (And is half-off thru June 8th)
- Highland and Weekend Read Unlimited are also half off thru June 8th
- Steve Ballmer on developers (developers, developers…)
- Tony Zhou on Edgar Wright’s visual style
- Russell Adams on The Shawshank Redemption from The Wall Street Journal
- IMDb’s Top 250
- A Guerilla Filmmaker’s Guide to After Effects
- The New York Times Crossword for iOS
- Outro by Scriptnotes editor Matthew Chilelli (send us yours!)
You can download the episode here: AAC | mp3.
UPDATE 6-7-14: The transcript of this episode can be found here.