Craig and John talk with the owner of to investigate what happened when the online screenwriting site suddenly went down this week, erasing four years of screenwriters’ work. When things went south, why did he try to distance himself from the debacle, and what comes next? It’s a candid discussion — but far less uncomfortable than the Final Draft episode.
We’re also joined by the creator/owner of WriterDuet to discuss his role in all of this, and the precautions one takes when using online software.
Huge thanks to our guests and to Matthew and Stuart for their quick turnaround on this episode. We’ll also have a normal episode this Tuesday.
- Scripped
- ScreenCraft
- WriterDuet
- John Rhodes’s letter to the Scripped community
- Fade In
- Highland
- Outro by Scriptnotes listener Rajesh Naroth (send us yours!)
You can download the episode here: AAC | mp3.
UPDATE 4-8-15: The transcript of this episode can be found here.