Craig and John look at best practices for screenwriters promoting their films, both in traditional media and online. We’re not subtweeting anyone, and neither should you.
Also this week: more on reshoots, Stretch Armstrong and selective editing of quotes in movie reviews.
- Submit your Fall 2015 Scriptnotes shirt design by August 11
- Vanity Fair on World War Z reshoots
- The Hollywood Reporter on Mel Gibson, Taylor Lautner and the 20-Year Effort to Make a ‘Stretch Armstrong’ Movie
- No, I didn’t call your shitty movie a “comedic masterstroke” by A.A. Dowd
- Vacation by the Textones
- Madonna’s Vogue, B-Roll and Outtakes
- Smooth McGroove on YouTube
- Outro by Kim Atle (send us yours!)
You can download the episode here: AAC | mp3.
UPDATE 8-10-15: The transcript of this episode can be found here.