Craig and John answer listener questions about writer agreements, videogame properties, and page one rewrites.
How should a writer decide whether it’s better to keep revising an unmade project, or start on something new? We try to offer guidelines for when to buckle down and when to move on.
Also, John coins a new term that will forever change film studies.
- Scriptnotes Midnight Blue T-Shirt
- Portal: No Escape (Live Action Short Film by Dan Trachtenberg)
- This is why you want a writer’s agreement
- WGA Collaboration Agreement
- Rebecca Solnit: The Loneliness Of Donald Trump
- Faraway Puzzle Escape
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- Craig Mazin on Twitter
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- Outro by Rajesh Naroth (send us yours!)
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You can download the episode here.
UPDATE 6-25-17: The transcript of this episode can be found here.