John and Craig explore how story develops from a synthesis of character and plot, and why writers need to continually shift their frames of reference between “inside” and “outside” the experience of their heroes.
We also tackle the idea of “you can’t teach funny” and what to do when you share a famous person’s name.
The Scriptnotes Listeners’ Guide is out, and fantastic, and free! Plus we now have 300-episode USB drives in the store. Links below.
Plus, don’t miss our live show in Hollywood on July 25.
- The Scriptnotes Listeners’ Guide!
- The USBs drives!
- McMansion Hell
- Zillow Threatens to Sue
- EFF responds to McMansion Hell lawsuit
- McMansion Hell wins
- Yoink
- Matt Gaffney’s Weekly Crossword Contest
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- Craig Mazin on Twitter
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- Outro by Rajesh Naroth (send us yours!)
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You can download the episode here.
UPDATE 7-10-17: The transcript of this episode can be found here.